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The Center of Anatolian Side

Kadiköy is one of the oldest districts of Anatolian Side. Its first name is known as Khalkedon, and the district is one of the city centers of Istanbul. Yes, there are many centers in Istanbul because being a metropolis is something like this! Kadiköy is also worth visiting with its famous historical buildings, churches, Haydarpaşa Terminal, Moda Beach, green and large streets, sunset view and lively places.

Süreyya Opera
It is located in Bahariye Street. The most conspicuous building of the street was built by Süreyya and Adalet İlmen in 1927. Known as the first opera building in Anatolia, it was utilized as a cinema for a while but then continued to host operas. Süreyya Opera is a magnificent building with its ceiling frescos and reliefs. The building still serves as a cultural and art center where many art activities are organized.

Surp Levon Armenian Catholic Church
The church was built in 7th century. Having a different architecture with its elliptic windows, it is the unique church in Istanbul Anatolian Side which has a basilic form. Because of its characteristic, the church is in the visit list of Kadiköy.

Haydarpaşa Terminal, Osmanağa Mosque, Bahariye Street and Moda Park are the other places to visit.